
Browse CultureVybe’s Services and Features Today

Basic Plan

  • Basic profile creation
  • Limited job matches
  • Values Assessment
  • 4 rĂ©sumĂ© rewrites per year
  • RĂ©sumĂ© Rewrite Assessment:
    Subscribers receive a thorough evaluation of their résumé, along with suggestions for improvement and optimization.
  • Access to Newsletters and Career Information:
    Subscribers get exclusive access to newsletters containing valuable career insights, industry trends, and job search tips.

Premium Plan

  • Full access to all features
  • Advanced values assessment
  • Personalized job matching
  • Expert advice
  • Priority support

Values and Career Evaluation

Subscribers receive an in-depth assessment of their values, career aspirations, and strengths to help guide their job search.

  • Personalized Job Matches:
    Subscribers are provided with a curated list of companies and positions that align with their values and skills.
  • Cover Letter to match RĂ©sumĂ©
  • One-on-One Coaching Session:
    A 30-hour coaching session to review the assessment results and career goals.
  • Six rĂ©sumĂ© rewrites and cover letters per RĂ©sumĂ© Rewrite Assessment:
    Subscribers receive a thorough evaluation of their résumé, along with suggestions for improvement and optimization.
  • Access to Newsletters and Career Information:
    Subscribers get exclusive access to newsletters containing valuable career insights, industry trends, and job search tips.

Enhanced Enterprise Plan: Comprehensive Solutions for Businesses

  • RĂ©sumĂ© Upload and Job Listings:
    Employers can upload job listings and view candidate résumés.
  • Candidate Matching:
    CultureVybe's algorithm matches suitable candidates to the employer's job listings, enhancing the hiring process.
  • Team-Building Tools:
    Comprehensive assessment tools to analyze existing team dynamics, strengths, and areas for improvement.
  • Resources and strategies to facilitate team building, collaboration, and productivity enhancement.

Cultural Assessment for Hiring

  • In-depth cultural assessment tools that evaluate candidates' cultural fit within the context of your organization's existing culture and teams.
  • Detailed reports offering insights into candidates' alignment with organizational values and potential team dynamics.

Exclusive Industry Insights

  • A curated repository of industry-specific insights, trends, and data to keep your business well-informed.
  • Regular updates and analysis on market shifts, enabling proactive adaptation and strategic decision-making.
  • Tailored Guidance and Consultations:
    Access to expert consultations interpreting cultural assessment results and industry insights.
  • Personalized recommendations for optimizing team synergy, leveraging strengths, and addressing potential challenges.

Advanced Reporting

  • We have advanced reporting features for tracking the progress of team-building efforts and hiring strategies.
  • Actionable insights based on real-time data to refine and enhance your approach continuously.

Benefits of the Plans

Basic Plan

  • A budget-friendly option with essential profile creation and job-matching features.
  • Ideal for job seekers looking to get started with the platform.

Premium Plan

  • All-inclusive access to the platform's features, including values assessment and expert guidance.
  • Perfect for those committed to finding their ideal cultural fit in their career.

Enhanced Enterprise Plan

  • Tailored solutions for businesses aiming to enhance team dynamics and hiring strategies.
  • Industry insights and personalized guidance to stay competitive and drive success.